The Assistant Lab
This podcast is dedicated to the Executive Assistant profession, hosted by Victoria Wratten and Anel Martin.
This show is designed for the outliers, the assistants who are leading the way in their careers.
No nonsense content, benchmarking and trends as well as interesting interviews with inspirational assistants.
The Assistant Lab
Episode Twenty Seven - Interview with Fiona Young of Carve
Fiona Young is a breath of fresh air to the assistant profession in terms of professional development! She is a former EA turned digital learning leader.
Carve is building the next generation of AI-powered executive assistants. They offer exciting new AI courses for assistants |
We touch on numerous points:
· Growing up with technologist parents and the positive impact of this
· Undertaking a degree in economics, the lack of jobs but the positive outcome to this
· From admin professional to learning and development professional - building start up programmes for global corporates
· L&D: Fiona's methos for learning, why most corporate learning spend is wasted
· Revolution vs Evolution of the roles
· Startling discoveries from assistants and how much they really know about AI
· Future of EA role in the age of AI: evolution and revolution, there will be winners and losers, tips to win
Learn more about Carve here.
Free Carve AI Tools Guide for Assistants: https://joincarve.com/tools-signup
· Free Carve Chatbot Prompting Guide for Assistants: https://joincarve.com/chatbots-guide-signup
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