The Assistant Lab
This podcast is dedicated to the Executive Assistant profession, hosted by Victoria Wratten and Anel Martin.
This show is designed for the outliers, the assistants who are leading the way in their careers.
No nonsense content, benchmarking and trends as well as interesting interviews with inspirational assistants.
The Assistant Lab
Episode Thirteen - Interview with Ben Stevenson, Chief of Staff at Bloom
We are excited to be joined by Ben Stevenson on this episode of The Assistant Lab.
Ben is Chief of Staff at North East Headquartered Bloom Procurement Services.
Over the last 10 years, he has built an exciting career in operational and C-Suite support roles than have allowed him to live and work in all four corners of the UK and embed the unique skills and experiences from each into his role today.
Driven by Bloom’s purpose, Ben is motivated to make the company’s strategic goals and objectives by doing whatever it takes to bridge the gap from thought to reality, including in his role where he leads Bloom’s sustainability agenda.
Ben is passionate about the executive and business support industry and has worked with several PA & EA networking groups, talking, and raising awareness of key issues, such as toxic perfectionism, the role of the male EA in the industry and the future of the Executive Assistant profession.
A 2021 EA of the Year finalist, he has a solid appreciation and understanding of how recognising outstanding executive and business support professionals play a major part in the evolution of perception and respect for the industry.
We also get an opportunity to talk through the Chief of Staff role in-depth and how assistants can really make a move to this role.
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