The Assistant Lab
This podcast is dedicated to the Executive Assistant profession, hosted by Victoria Wratten and Anel Martin.
This show is designed for the outliers, the assistants who are leading the way in their careers.
No nonsense content, benchmarking and trends as well as interesting interviews with inspirational assistants.
The Assistant Lab
Episode Eleven - Interview with Abigail Langridge of Poppins PA
We are delighted to welcome Abigail Langridge to this weeks episode.
Abigail is the Founder and Owner of Poppins PA. A private Personal Assistant company which supports business people and their families. They work with you & not for you. Being on your side, making suggestions, using our initiative & judgement to help you succeed & flourish in your world.
We alleviate that ‘noise’ that you carry around with you, all those things that keep you awake at night.
Abigail didn't intend to become an assistant. Indeed, she was in the middle of a law degree which she decided wasn't for her, so she quit university and decided to put what skills she already had to good use.
She then embarked on a career as a Legal PA, which ultimately took her to London working for various firms.
She then became a Mum to three children and by her third child realised she was bored, unchallenged and felt like her life was going nowhere.
An ambitious individual from a young age, she had always thought about being her own boss and running her own company... which is where Poppins PA begun.
We also talk through making the transition from PA to self employment, which many assistants find actually very tough. A great business idea which never really took off, to working as a private PA and one client who had the biggest impact on her life - which ultimately led to Poppins PA.
Abigail is candid, inspiring, motivating and is an open book as far as what has worked and what hasn't... and why she will never stop reaching and turning her dreams into a reality.
In addition to her work life, Abigail discovered a passion for running, which the whole family is with involved now. This came about with joining the now nationally known organisation - Park Run. In fact Abi and her husband are both training to run the London Marathon right now!
Learn more about Poppins PA here - https://poppins-pa.com/
Learn more about Park Run here - https://www.parkrun.org.uk/
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