The Assistant Lab
This podcast is dedicated to the Executive Assistant profession, hosted by Victoria Wratten and Anel Martin.
This show is designed for the outliers, the assistants who are leading the way in their careers.
No nonsense content, benchmarking and trends as well as interesting interviews with inspirational assistants.
The Assistant Lab
Episode Four - Interview with Ayca Ilcen, EA to CEO of Trust for London
Ayca Ilcen is one of those gems in the UK EA/PA industry and we are so pleased to be able to share her career story!
Ayca currently works as EA to the CEO of Trust for London, a charity which works on some of London's most pressing social issues, aiming to improve the lives of Londoners by increasing pay, reducing costs of living and supporting community groups to thrive. Find out more about them here.
Ayca had an interesting start to her career after completing her University degree and has spent most of her career in the c-suite providing Executive Support to British charities.
This is one such item we talk with Ayca extensively about - why do we not see more PAs from the charity (third sector) profiled, on awards shortlists or even on conference programmes?
This is a candid chat with an incredible Executive Assistant, one who still has even more to give to the UK profession!
Find out more about EPAA here.
Find out more about Anel Martin Coaching and Training here.